Save a Life. Join our Foster Program.
The Furever Project is a foster-based rescue. We are frequently asked “what’s a foster based rescue?” Many times, people are surprised by the answer. We have no brick and mortar facility. We do not have a kennel; all the dogs we take in are placed in loving foster homes where they can re-learn what it means to be a member of a family.

The number of lives we can save is directly related to the number of foster homes we have available.
More fosters. More rescues.
There are never enough foster homes available and, sadly, always too many dogs whose lives are dependent on being placed in a foster home. Fosters are the backbone of The Furever Project. We need fosters to carry out the core of our mission; fosters who can provide a safe, loving home for our dogs until they are adopted and go to their furever homes.

You bring love. We'll bring everything else.
Saving a life really is that simple, you provide the love and the home, we provide guidance, supplies and health management. If you can provide a foster home for a dog in need, please click on the link below, fill out an application and start your foster journey today!

FAQS about Fostering
Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a foster family for The Furever Project! We do our very best to match each rescued dog with an appropriate foster home. We want repeat fosterers and happy dogs!! We are committed to doing everything we can to make each fostering experience enjoyable, fun, and successful!
What’s a foster-based rescue?
The Furever Project is a foster-based rescue. Often, we are asked what foster-based means. Foster-based means every dog we take in is placed in a foster home with a foster family. The Furever Project has no brick-and-mortar facility. We do not have a kennel facility to house dogs. The number of dogs we can save is directly related to the number of foster homes we have available.
Why should I foster?
Simply put, to save a dog’s life! There are never enough foster homes available for the number of dogs in need of saving. Sadly, there are always too many dogs deteriorating in stressful shelter conditions making them unlikely to be adopted and they become the unfortunate euthanasia casualties because of overcrowded shelters. Rescue is their last safety net – their last chance…
Who Covers a foster dogs’ expenses?
We do!! The Furever Project covers ALL expenses for your foster dog! We cover all foster vetting costs, provide you with food, supplies, monthly preventatives, AND a great foster support staff. You provide the love and the home, The Furever Project provides everything else!
What is fostering like?
Each fostering experience is as unique as each foster dog! You might foster an adult dog who is housetrained, socialized, and makes friends with everyone immediately. Maybe you’ll take on a puppy who needs to be housebroken and requires loads of exercise and attention. Perhaps you’ll decide to foster a senior dog who may require some medication or an occasional trip to a vet. You may open your heart to a formerly abused dog who is very scared and might need weeks of patience and gentleness until they begin to trust for the first time in their life. Foster experiences are as diverse as the dogs are. We will do our very best to match your foster dog to your family and lifestyle.
Do I have a say in what kind of dog I get?
Absolutely! Maybe you have an alpha male dog at home and so can only foster females. Maybe you don’t want puppies because your kids get too attached. Maybe you ONLY want puppies because they are a special delight for you. You let us know what will work best in your home and we do our best to make a good match for you and your family.
Can I foster only at certain times, and can I say “no” if you call and it’s a bad time?
Yes, and yes! You can always say that you can’t take in a foster dog, for any reason. Maybe you have a vacation scheduled or you are expecting to have extended house guests and it’s just not a good time to foster. No problem, just let us know. Maybe summers are great for you because you don’t work, but the rest of the year is too hectic, then you can be a summer foster home. Or if summers are too hectic then you can be a fall-winter-spring foster home. We will accommodate your schedule!
Can I still take a vacation if I’m fostering a dog?
Absolutely! The Furever Project will make arrangements for a temporary foster anytime you will be taking a vacation! And, not only during vacation-time, but anytime you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time and need someone else to temporarily foster your foster dog.
What should I consider if I currently have pets?
It’s best to be thoughtful and careful whenever you introduce your pets to other animals. This goes for your foster pets too! The Furever Project oversees all meet and greets between a foster’s pets and any potential foster dog to make sure everyone gets along. We won’t ever just drop a foster dog at your home and “run”.